Welcome to www.nursinganp.com

Dear future nurse,

 Welcome to nursinganp.com; a free page with 2,000+ multiple choice questions on human anatomy (structures), physiology (functions) and pathophysiology (diseases) written for nursing students

 A few A&P study tips:

   No textbook or web page is perfectly tailored to your needs. It can be helpful to use the syllabus as a study guide. Take notes to answer learning objectives. Your test will measure how well you met the learning objectives. Not how well you memorized your textbook

   Dutiful students sometimes find themselves unable to move on from one body system to the next, before they master every aspect the subject they are studying. This is a major pitfall. If your exam covers body systmes, then you should dedicate the same amount of time to each system.

    Check your knowledge with the quizzes here. Save time and only review structures and functions that you had troubles with in the test

 A&P is one of the hardest classes you will ever take. If you doubt yourself at times, remember that every great nurse once sat, where you are sitting now. They had the same doubts and struggles. Do not let A&P get you down. You will pass this course and go on to become a great nurse!

Thank you for everything you do, 


/ admin at www.nursinganp.com


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